Bored Yeti

Yeti is the ultimate protection for your virtual Everest adventure!

An army of 1,500 Yetis is ready to help protect you on your virtual expedition in the virtual Mount Everest game, PeakXV.

Going live in


We will be live on 15 April 2023.





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MINT Bored Yeti

Yeti is the ultimate protection for your virtual Everest adventure!

The Bored Yeti will offer players of PeakXV protection against the enemy NPC, Yeti. Yeti will randomly attack players in PeakXV and try to prevent them from advancing. Holding a Bored Yeti serves as protection against the attacks of the Yeti.

Due to the Limited Supply of the Bored Yeti, you can earn an income from other players by renting your Bored Yeti out to them in the PeakXV game.

Your Yeti can protect your camp from the much-destructive enemy Yeti and shield you against attacks from the most ruthless NPC character in the game, making your progress easier.

But that’s not all. Your Bored Yeti can also earn you passive income while you’re not playing. Rent your Yeti to other players and watch your earnings grow. With the scarcity of this collection, not all players will have this advantage – making your rental income even more valuable.

How to Mint a Bored Yeti for Free

Minting a Bored Yeti is free and can be done through various means.

*If you missed the mint, you can purchase on an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea or Blur.

Benefits of Holding a Bored Yeti

The Bored Yeti will offer players of PeakXV protection against the enemy NPC, Yeti. Yeti will randomly attack players in PeakXV and try to prevent them from advancing. Holding a Bored Yeti serves as protection against the attacks of the Yeti.

Due to the Limited Supply of the Bored Yeti, you can earn an income from other players by renting your Bored Yeti out to them in the PeakXV game.

Frequently asked

An NFT is a Non-fungible token that is hosted on blockchain and can be represented as an image, a song, or any digital material. The novelty of NFTs is their immutability and the unique identity each NFT carries. An NFT can also be tied to a tangible thing such as the deeds or title of a house, a binding contract, or a ticket to a concert, dinner, or masterclass.

The Bored Yeti NFT can be minted on this website for free.

The mint date is the 15th of April. While it is free to mint a Bored Yeti, you will pay a gas fee to cover the cost of the transaction on the Ethereum blockchain. Each wallet can mint only 1 Yeti for free. There are two stages: Whitelist Stage and Public Mint Stage. Each whitelisted wallet can mint once during the WL stage, and another once during the Public Mint Stage.

There are 1,500 total supplies for the Yeti – so you have to mint yours before the supply is over. After this, you can purchase it on the open market such as Opensea, Blur, or Looksrare.

To mint an NFT, you need an Ethereum wallet such as Metamask. You will need to fund your wallet with the cost of the NFT + additional ETH to cover the transaction fee. Minting an NFT would require you to connect your Metamask wallet to the website you want to mint the NFT from. Ensure the website is safe before connecting your wallet to it.

You can resell your Bored Yeti NFT by listing it for sale on a secondary marketplace such as Opensea or Blur. Your NFTs can be sold for a direct price in ETH or you can accept an offer for your NFT in either ETH or WETH.

The Bored Yeti can be minted for free on the 15th of April, 2023. There will be a first mint stage for Whitelist Holders (this will be done in 2 hours) after which there will be a public mint. Each whitelisted wallet would be able to mint 1 Yeti NFT for free during the Whitelist stage. The whitelisted wallet and every other wallet would be able to mint 1 Yeti per wallet during the public mint stage.